Hello Shifter

Who We Are?

We are Shift, a company that believes good health and well-being start from within Therefore,  We strive to provide an experience that Shift you both physically and mentally. 
Recognizing that each person’s journey is unique, We have designed trips that help everyone step outside of their normal surroundings and engage with nature and themselves.
Our field of work includes organizing mountain climbing, hiking, cycling, water activities, yoga, and trips to learn various physical sports and crafts. Each experience is specially designed to meet the needs and challenges of our clients at their level.
We are always interested in providing different and unique experiences for our clients, and our entire work is based on providing safe and reliable trips with high quality and expertise. Start your journey now for a distinctive and inspiring experience and enjoy some of the most beautiful and exciting places.


 Discover yourself through mountain climbing, hiking, yoga, and more. Unforgettable experiences are waiting for you with the transformative tours by Shift.

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Kilimanjaro Packing List

Clothing for Kilimanjaro On Kilimanjaro you will be trekking through four different climate zones (rainforest, moorland, alpine meadows, and Arctic…
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Pacing At High Altitude

The pace of a trip at high altitude is a critical factor in you safely and successfully reaching your goal. …
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